Educate Yourself On How Smoking Increase Lung Cancer Risks
Released on = August 24, 2006, 11:28 am
Press Release Author = Tony James
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Smoking as most people know is hazardous and can lead to lung cancer. Yet so many people still knowingly smoking is bad for health still indulge themselves with smoking.
Press Release Body = Smoking as most people know is hazardous and can lead to lung cancer. Yet so many people still knowingly smoking is bad for health still indulge themselves with smoking. The image of lifestyle and being cool is apparently greater or more important than their health. Some people are ignorant to the facts while other are unaware of the real dangers of smoking. Some just develop it as a habit and the habit is extremely hard to break. Over the years, even the increase in tobacco prices, will not reduce the demand. It's even taught in economics 101 that the demand for cigarettes is not relative to the change in prices. Cigarettes are available very conveniently which makes the habit harder to break. Smoking is also the major cause of cancer. Other can lung cancer smoking can also cause other types of health complications such as emphysema, bronchitis, and heart disease. The chances of getting cancer can be due to any amount of tobacco intake. But of course, the more you smoke, the risks of getting cancer also is higher. A chain smoker is most likely to develop a cancer. Some young adults as young as 22 have already developed lung cancer due to chain smoking. Although one may still develop lung cancer without smoking, it chances of it happening is very slim. But when you stopped smoking, your body will eventually begin to repair itself and your lungs will begin to clear. Smoking is a cause for more than 90% of lung cancer cases. It is definitely worth your effort to quit if you do not want to die from lung cancer. Women face the same risks as men from developing lung cancer. Generally, most cases of lung cancers victims are men. However, the number of cases of lung cancer victims of being women is also high. In fact, there are more women who die from smoking-related lung cancer, compared to breast cancer. Second hand smokers can also develop lung cancer. This is because research has shown that second hand smoke is more hazardous than first hand smoke. So if you cherish your love ones and friend, quit smoking and do not smoke in front of them, as you are killing them. Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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